​Turned Leaf Pens​ H​andcrafted Wooden Pens​
Bravo! Collection
​These beauties were designed to showcase accomplishment. Each pen is unique, handcrafted from fine exotic woods and native burls. Perfect for gifts of reward and recognition.
​Click an image below for full picture and details. Price $150-175 per pen.​

Eucalyptus, Ebony, Maple Burl and Thuya Burl

Holly and Brazilian Purpleheart

Pacific Yew, Holly and Dymondwood

Golden Amboyna Burl, Holly and Ebony

Stabilized Spalted Maple Burl and Yellow Cedar Burl

Buckeye Burl, Holly and Ebony

Yew,Holly,Purpleheart and Piquia Amerillo

Holly, Bocote and Purpleheart

Walnut, Brazilian Purpleheart, Zebrano and Ebony Price $175 Sold

Thuya Burl, Ebony,Paduk,Buckeye Burl and Holly

Kingwood, Ebony, Buckeye Burl and Yew Price $150 Sale $120